Thanks for visiting my site! I'm aspiring to become a full fledged Video-game Developer, Cartoonist, Programmer, Author, Narrator, Youtube Host, 3d Modeler, and Steam Curator. Boy that's a lot of hats... but I love every minute I spend on it! I decided to make this site to jumpstart myself into the habit of documenting my progress and showing (FINISHING) my projects. It's certainly a longer term goal than I first expected, but it's a journey! Right guys? Turns out I can't run away from who I am and what I like most and I'm gunna make a nitch in the world. ~ Balin Aguirre
I love to love comics! I must admit it's rarely because the story, which is not to say a few don't intrigue me. I fall in love with the line work, the coloring process, and more potently, the simple style that can draw such emotion! I try to capture that em...
{ Deciphering }I must admit while there was a sea of opportunities and influences in my life, I didn't have confidence to cross them when I was younger. As we all know by now, we only regret what we didn't do. But enough of THAT noise! I want to share my voyage along the ...
{ Deciphering }Wanna see me in action?! Visit MrBalinTV and see what games I'm playing, art I'm drawing, animations, and soon... hosting Dungeons & Dragons campaigns! It took me forever to figure out that I can easily share the treasured moments I find in gaming and art...
{ Deciphering }