STATUS UPDATE! I’ve been using Unity for a while now and love it! I prefer C sharp for it is a strongly typed language, but if you’re into Javascript, checking out codecademy is a MUST! If you want to learn more about C#, Ed2Go has two online classes. I’ve taken the beginner certification course and learned quite a bit more than I thought! Not as much opportunity to talk with your course mates. If you want to get your hands dirty with Unity, try downloading the v4.6 and buying Goldstone’s Unity 3.x Game Development Essentials on Amazon. I’ve had mine for a year and it is like my beginner’s bible! Onward, you can read Geig’s Unity Game Development in 24 Hours. While I just picked this title up and can’t say anything on it, I DO know both these authors work for Unity’s learning sector and are a ENORMOUS inspiration and always happy to help!