I Love Comics!

I Love Comics!
I love to love comics!  I must admit it's rarely because the story, which is not to say a few don't intrigue me.  I fall in love with the line work, the coloring process, and more potently, the simple style that can draw such emotion!  I try to capture that emotion in Tackonauts.  There are a few artists who do Comic comics that I like, such as Teen Titans Go's Ben Bates.  Atomic Robo's Scott Wege...

The MrBalinTV Show!

The MrBalinTV Show!
Wanna see me in action?! Visit MrBalinTV and see what games I'm playing, art I'm drawing, animations, and soon... hosting Dungeons & Dragons campaigns!  It took me forever to figure out that I can easily share the treasured moments I find in gaming and art with anyone I like, no matter how far they are.  Playing video games has always been a great way for me to get people together and that's w...