Is the best way to solve challenges. Someone once said innovation was born out of necessity, but your imagination is more of a tool than you think!
Author: MrBalin
The Tackonauts
Many Faces
Refining the ability to express yourself promotes clarity to those around you. It's an everyday practice to show we can be just as silly as we are serious.
Jaime del Barrio
This guy is on his way to being the best programmer in the 8-bit realm! In fact, He's already working on a game portraying a store that sells 8-Bit games FOR a store that sells 8-bit games, called 8-Bit Hall of Fame! Right now he's mastering the art of Let's Play with his new PS4. He often goes by the handle (Nahual) online. Check out his website: Nahual Studios!
This is my webcomic. Making comics is tougher than I thought, but I'm too stubborn to give up halfway through. As you can see the differences from when I first started Tackonauts, this has been an ever increasing learning curve. It's a loose lifestyle based comic that I use to tell my great jokes... that have been beaten to death by looking at it as I draw for hours. My dream is to have a job that can give me the affordability to draw silly cartoons anytime I want! Help me make it happen!
Balin Aguirre
Hi, I'm Balin and I endorse this beautiful site! I'm a college graduate who adores making cartoons and think video games are a magnificent tool in telling stories. I'm aspiring to be a great artist and animator and now programmer. Currently, I am learning how to design video games! My first will be an FPS puzzle adventure! My second, will be turning my father's children's stories into a platformer like Banjo Kazooie or Zelda! That one will be a bit more daring. It would be the greatest pre...
The Learning Curve
I must admit while there was a sea of opportunities and influences in my life, I didn't have confidence to cross them when I was younger. As we all know by now, we only regret what we didn't do. But enough of THAT noise! I want to share my voyage along the way in hopes that I can be the nudge people need to do what THEY are passionate about. I absolutely have been head over heels about webcomics since I first knew they existed, which was in high school. I even tried my own a couple times in...
I Love Comics!
I love to love comics! I must admit it's rarely because the story, which is not to say a few don't intrigue me. I fall in love with the line work, the coloring process, and more potently, the simple style that can draw such emotion! I try to capture that emotion in Tackonauts. There are a few artists who do Comic comics that I like, such as Teen Titans Go's Ben Bates. Atomic Robo's Scott Wegener, Sky Doll's Barbucci & Canepa, Very Near Mint's Justin Peterson, and many more (wow that's ...
The MrBalinTV Show!
Wanna see me in action?! Visit MrBalinTV and see what games I'm playing, art I'm drawing, animations, and soon... hosting Dungeons & Dragons campaigns! It took me forever to figure out that I can easily share the treasured moments I find in gaming and art with anyone I like, no matter how far they are. Playing video games has always been a great way for me to get people together and that's what I hope to aspire here at MrBalinTV. I'll post reviews about the games I've played by text or Vl...
This is What I Do!
Thanks for visiting my site! I'm aspiring to become a full fledged Video-game Developer, Cartoonist, Programmer, Author, Narrator, Youtube Host, 3d Modeler, and Steam Curator. Boy that's a lot of hats... but I love every minute I spend on it! I decided to make this site to jumpstart myself into the habit of documenting my progress and showing (FINISHING) my projects. It's certainly a longer term goal than I first expected, but it's a journey! Right guys? Turns out I can't run away from who ...